Laura-Theresa Krüger and Dr. Edmund Ratka, “A New Response to a Changing Neighbourhood? The Perception of European Policies in Tunisia after the Arab Spring,” L’Europe en Formation, No. 371 (2014/1), pp. 9-25.
Dr. Edmund Ratka and Prof. Dr. Bernhard Stahl, "Deutschland und Tunesien – eine Kantianische Freundschaft im Werden?", in: S. Harnisch, K. Brummer, Kai Oppermann (eds.), Sonderbeziehungen als Nexus zwischen Außenpolitik und internationalen Beziehungen (Baden-Baden: NOMOS, 2015), pp. 107-132.
Dr. Edmund Ratka and Christine Straßmaier, "The European Union and Syria – reluctant and unambitious in a Middle Eastern imbroglio,“ in: D. Dialer, H. Neisser, and A. Opitz (eds.), The EU's External Action Service: Potentials for a one voice Foreign Policy (Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press, 2014), pp. 145-62.
Dr. Edmund Ratka, Deutschlands Mittelmeerpolitik: Selektive Europäisierung von der Mittelmeerunion bis zum Arabischen Frühling (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2014).
Dr. Edmund Ratka and Olga Spaiser (eds.), Understanding European Neighbourhood Policies: Concepts, Actors, Perceptions (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2012).
Dr. Edmund Ratka and Olga Spaiser, "Introduction: Understanding European Neighbourhood Policies," in: E. Ratka und O. Spaiser (eds.), Understanding European Neighbourhood Policies: Concepts, Actors, Perceptions (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2012).
Dr. Edmund Ratka, "From From Barcelona to Berlin via Paris: Europeanisation Dynamics in Germany’s Mediterranean Policy," in: E. Ratka und O. A. Spaiser (eds.), Understanding European Neighbourhood Policies. Concepts, Actors, Perceptions (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2012).
Michael Bauer and Almut Möller, "Angewandte Politikforschung zur europäischen Nahostpolitik,“ in: Manuela Glaab and Karl-Rudolf Korte (eds.), Angewandte Politikforschung (Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag 2012), pp. 307-19.
Dr. Edmund Ratka, "Germany and the Arab Spring – Foreign Policy between New Activism and Old Habits,“ German Politics and Society, Summer Issue 2012, pp. 59-74.
Michael Bauer, "The Need for an EU Gulf Strategy in the wake of the Arab Spring," Europe’s World-Online, May 2011.
Dr. Edmund Ratka, "Mehr Mut im Mittelmeerraum – wie Deutschland die arabische Demokratiebewegung stärken und der euro-mediterranen Partnerschaft aus der Sackgasse helfen kann,“ Die Politische Meinung, April 2011, pp. 17-23.
Michael Bauer and Christian-Peter Hanelt, "The Arab World in Transition: Prospects and Challenges for a Revitalized Relationship between Europe and North Africa,” Strategy Paper in light of the 13th Kronberg Talks, “Establishing a European-Mediterranean Community,’ Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh 2011.
Dr. Edmund Ratka, "Deutschland und die Union für das Mittelmeer – europäische Außenpolitik im nationalen Interesse," WeltTrends, January 2011, pp. 81-90.
Dr. Edmund Ratka, "Un bilan mitigé – l’Allemagne et l’Union pour la Méditerranée"“ Dokumente/Documets, Zeitschrift für den deutsch-französischen Dialog, No. 4/2010, pp. 11-4.
Dr. Edmund Ratka, "La politique méditerranéenne de Nicolas Sarkozy: Une vision française de la civilisation et du leadership," Europe en Formation, No. 356 (Summer 2010), pp. 35-51.
Sebastian Schäffer, "The Union for the Mediterranean after the Arab Spring," Simulation of the Union for the Mediterranean with students from Tunisia and Germany, funded by the German Academic Exchange Service's (DAAD) transformation partnership program, August 2012, CAP Munich.
Edmund Ratka, "Europa und seine Partner in der arabischen Welt,“ Panel Discussion, City of Munich/europe direct, July 2012
Edmund Ratka, "European Neighbourhood Policy and the ‘Arab Spring’,” Danube Summer Institute, Passau, Germany, July 2012
Edmund Ratka, "Europe’s Mediterranean Failure and the case of Germany – Foreign Policy in the Southern Neighbourhood between Europeanization and National Interests,“ Sciences Po/Institut de Recherche Stratégique de l’École militaire (IRSEM), Paris, France, July 2011
Ludwig Schulz and Colin Dürkop, "The Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC)
– A mechanism for integration in a geopolitically sensitive area," Country Report, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, 10 November 2014.
(available in English, German and Turkish)
Sebastian Schäffer, "EU-Russia relations and the Eastern Partnership," in Edmund Ratka and Olga A. Spaiser, Understanding European Neighbourhoods Policies. Concepts, Actors, Perceptions (Baden-Baden: Nomos 2012), pp. 239-47.
Michael Bauer and Cornelia Beyer (eds.), Effectively Countering Terrorism. The Challenges of Prevention, Preparedness and Response (Sussex: Sussex Academic Press, 2009).
Sebastian Schäffer, "European Neighbourhood Policy," Andrássy University, Budapest, Hungary
Ludwig Schulz, "The Black Sea region in European perceptions and interests," Conference on "The Black Sea: Potencials and chances for business and civil society", Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM) and Intercultural Center in cooperation with the comeptence center Black Sea region of the School for Applied Sciences of bfi, Vienna, 10 Jun. 2013.