

Dr. Edmund Ratka, Marie-Christine Roux, "Jihad instead of Democracy? Tunisia’s Marginalised Youth and Islamist Terrorism, " in Konrad Adenauer Foundation ternational Reports, 1, 2016, pp. 64-82.


Michael Bauer, "Tunisia, Egypt and Morocco: Precarious stabilization under different circumstances," in ORIENT, 56(2), pp. 42-46.

Dr. Edmund Ratka and Prof. Dr. Bernhard Stahl, "Deutschland und Tunesien – eine Kantianische Freundschaft im Werden?", in: S. Harnisch, K. Brummer, Kai Oppermann (eds.), Sonderbeziehungen als Nexus zwischen Außenpolitik und internationalen Beziehungen (Baden-Baden: NOMOS, 2015), pp. 107-132.

Laura-Theresa Krüger and Dr. Edmund Ratka, “A New Response to a Changing Neighbourhood? The Perception of European Policies in Tunisia after the Arab Spring,” L’Europe en Formation, No. 371 (2014/1), pp. 9-25.

Thomas Schiller, "Die Herrschaft der Clans geht weiter," ZEITOnline, 12 May 2012.

Dr. Edmund Ratka et al. (eds.), "Renforcer la démocratie en Tunisie. Recommandations pour un système politique transparent, inclusif et responsible," C·A·P Aktuell 1/2012 (Munich: Center for Applied Policy Research, 2012).

Michael Bauer and Thomas Schiller, “The Arab Spring in 2012,” C·A·Perspectives 1/2012 (Munich: Center for Applied Policy Research, 2012).

Michael Bauer and Christian-Peter Hanelt, "The Arab World in Transition: Prospects and Challenges for a Revitalized Relationship between Europe and North Africa,” Strategy Paper in light of the 13th Kronberg Talks, “Establishing a European-Mediterranean Community,’ Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh 2011.

Academic Simulation

Sebastian Schäffer, "The Union for the Mediterranean after the Arab Spring," Simulation of the Union for the Mediterranean with students from Tunisia and Germany, funded by the German Academic Exchange Service's (DAAD) transformation partnership program, August 2012, CAP Munich.


Ludwig Schulz, "The political developments in Tunisia framing the economic prospects", panel discussion organized by the Tunisian Academicians Association, Munich Nov. 2016

Dr. Edmund Ratka, "Lernen in Grenzen: Die deutsche ‘Transformationspolitik‘ in Nordafrika," 20th German Oriental Studies Conference, University of Münster, Germany, Sep. 2013

Dr. Anja Opitz, "Der politische und gesellschaftliche Wandel in Nordafrika," Academy for Civic Education and Research, Tutzing, Germany, July 2013

Edmund Ratka, "Tunesien zwischen demokratischem Aufbruch und innerer Polarisierung“, Academy for Civic Education and Research, Tutzing, Germany, June 2013

Edmund Ratka, "The German-Tunisian Transformation Partnership – A Model for Supporting Democracy in the Arab World?”, 2nd Annual Conference of the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy (CSID), Tunis-Gammarth, Tunisia, Mar. 2013

René Rieger, "Saudi-Arabien, Katar und der Arabische Frühling – Einflussnahme der Golfmonarchien auf die Entwicklungen in Ägypten, Tunesien und Syriensrael und der Arabische Frühling," Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Germany, Jan. 2013

Edmund Ratka, "Der Arabische Frühling in Tunesien,“ Panel Discussion with Bavarian State Minister for Federal and European Affairs Emilia Müller, Schwandorf, Germany, Oct. 2012

Edmund Ratka, "Der Machtwechsel in Tunesien – gesellschaftliche Konfliktlinien und politische Reformperspektiven,“ Academy for Civic Education and Research, Tutzing, Germany,  Oct. 2012

Thomas Schiller, “Am Anfang stand die Jasmin-Revolution – Tunesien nach Dezember 2010,” German Armed Forces Association, Bad Malente, Germany, May 2012

Thomas Schiller, “Algerien und Marokko – Zieht der Arabische Frühling vorbei?” German Armed Forces Association, Bad Malente, Germany, May 2012

Edmund Ratka (Panel Chair), "La Tunisie, l‘Allemagne et l‘Europe à l‘heure du changement – Processus de transition, organisation de l‘État et partenariat euro-méditerranéen“, Tunis, Tunisia, 4-8 Dec. 2011

Edmund Ratka, "Südliche Levante, Maghreb, Nordafrika – Umbruch oder Polarisierung der Machtstrukturen?“, Working Group for Foreign and Security Policy (ASP) Donau-Ries, Asbach-Bäumenheim, Germany, Jan. 2011