

Ludwig Schulz (with Nur Köprülü), "Türkisch-jordanische Beziehungen," in Wolfgang Gieler, Christian Henrich (ed.): Die Außenpolitik der Türkei im Mittleren Osten: Eine Bestandsaufnahme seit 2016. Wiesbaden: Springer 2021, pp. 221-248.

Ludwig Schulz, "Turkey and the EU in global political economy". Paper in the BBI InBrief Series of the Berlin Bosphorus Initiative. Istanbul 2020.

Ludwig Schulz, "Shaping Geopolitical Destiny and Coping with Global Complexity: Germany and Turkey as Central Powers in International Politics," in Ebru Turhan (ed.): German-Turkish Relations Revisited. The European Dimension, Domestic and Foreign Politics and Transnational Dynamics, Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 113-143.

Ludwig Schulz, "Talking Truth to Turkey," BTI Blog, 21 June 2017.

Ludwig Schulz, "Just a second theatre of conflict? Countering the narrative of 'Turkish democracy'", Analysis for Heinrich Böll Foundation, Brussels Office.

Ludwig Schulz, "Die 'Neue Türkei' – beschleunigter Staatsumbau nach dem gescheiterten Putsch und Folgen für Europa," in CESifo Schnelldienst, 21, Munich: ifo Institute 2016, pp. 3-6.

Alexander Knipperts and Ludwig Schulz, "Turning tables", Scenario for the future of Turkey and Turkey-EU relations, in Monika Sus, Franziska Pfeifer (eds.): European Union 2025. Scenarios for EU relations with its neighbours and strategic partners. London: Hertie School of Governance / London School of Economics 2016, pp. 37-39.

Ludwig Schulz, "Die kranken Staaten von Europa", Op-ed for the debate forum  "Tagesspiegel Causa" of Der Tagesspiegel, March 2016.

Ludwig Schulz and Werner Weidenfeld, "Partnership by Crisis – A Strategic Outlook for a Common European Future, " in Ebru Turhan, Günter Seufert (eds.), German interests and Turkey's EU accession process: A holistic perspective. Istanbul: Istanbul Policy Center 2015, pp. 10-12.

Ludwig Schulz, "Assessing Turkish Foreign Policy. A review essay," in ORIENT, 56(2), 2015, pp. 47-56.

Ludwig Schulz and Colin Dürkop, "The Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) – A mechanism for integration in a geopolitically sensitive area," Country Report, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, 10 November 2014.
(available in English, German and Turkish, and as C.A.P. Working Paper)

Ludwig Schulz, "Yeni Türkiye: Arap Reform Ülkeleri İçin Örnek Olabilir mi?", in: M. Akif Kireçci (yay.), Arap Baharı ve Türkiye Modeli Tartışmaları, Ankara: ASEM 2014, pp. 171-192.

Ludwig Schulz et al. (eds.), Junge Perspektiven der Türkeiforschung in Deutschland, Band 1 (Heidelberg: Springer VS, 2014).

Ludwig Schulz, "Die Türkei als Global Player in der internationalen Wirtschafts- und Handelspolitik," in: Sergey Frank et al. (eds.): Business-Guide Türkei (Cologne: Bundesanzeiger 2014), pp. 45-50.

Ludwig Schulz and Dr. Colin Dürkop, "Nach der Wahl ist vor der Wahl. Kommunalwahlen 2014 in der Türkei," Country Report, Konrad Adenauer Foundation (2014).

Ludwig Schulz and Benedikt van den Woldenberg, Adapting to a World in Change: Lessons to JDP Foreign Policy from the ‘Arab Uprisings’,” ORIENT, Vol. 55, No. 1 (2014).

Ludwig Schulz, "Turkish Foreign Policy: Challenges and Chances within Changing Regional and Global Neighborhoods," Southeast Europe Association, Berlin, 18-19 Oct. 2012, Südosteuropa Mitteilungen, Vol. 53, No. 1 (2013), pp. 101-6.

Ludwig Schulz, “Viel Lärm um Nichts? Erdogan, Gezi und die Türkei 2013,” Kurzanalysen No. 12 (Berlin: Deutsches Orient-Institut, 2013).

Ludwig Schulz, "Vorbild oder Einbildung? Die Türkei als Modell im arabischen Aufbruch," WeltTrends, Vol. 90 (May/June 2013), pp. 80-7.

Ludwig Schulz, "Herausforderung für die strategische Außenpolitik: Die Türkei und die Arabellion," in Bernd Rill (ed.), Türkische Außenpolitik (München: Hanns Seidel Stiftung, 2012), pp. 31-40.

Ludwig Schulz, "Ahmet Davutoğlu ve AKP Dış Politikasının On Yılına İlişkin Tartışmalar," in Charlotte Joppien (yay.), ,AKP’nin On Yılı Dış, İç ve Yerel Politikaya Bir Geri Bakış (Istanbul: Orient-Institut Istanbul, 2012), pp. 3-25.

Ludwig Schulz, "A Strategy Theory Approach to the Analysis of European Foreign Policy," in Edmund Ratka and Olga A. Spaiser (eds.), Understanding European Neighbourhood Policies (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2012), pp. 87-105.

Ludwig Schulz, "Vom Wohl und Wehen einer Strategie. Ahmet Davutoğlu und zehn Jahre AKP-Außenpolitik in der Diskussion," in Charlotte Joppien (ed.), Zehn Jahre AKP: Eine Retrospektive auf Außen-, Innen- und Kommunalpolitik (Istanbul: Orient-Institut Istanbul, 2012), pp. 3-24.

Ludwig Schulz, "Türkei," in Deutsches Orient-Institut Berlin, Der Arabische Frühling: Auslöser, Verlauf, Ausblick, (Berlin: Deutsches Orient-Institut Berlin, 2011), pp. 194-207.

Ludwig Schulz, "Die neue Türkei als Vorbild für die arabischen Reformländer," EurActiv.de, 13 October 2011.

Ludwig Schulz, "Turkey as a Regional Power? Perspectives on Turkey’s Foreign and Security Policy,” Southeast Europe Association, Berlin, 29-30 June 2010, Südosteuropa Mitteilungen, Vol. 50, No. 6 (2010), pp. 87-96.

Ludwig Schulz, "Turkey and the GCC: Bridging Two Gateways," Wirtschaftsforum Nah- und Mittelost, Vol. 3 (2009), p. 23.


Ludwig Schulz, Interview on mayor's elections in Istanbul, Sueddeutsche.de, 21 June 2019.

Ludwig Schulz, Interview on the Russian-Turkish summit in Moscow, Bayern 2 RadioWelt, 8 April 2019.

Ludwig Schulz, Interview on the crisis of the Turkish Lira, Deutschlandfunk, 14 August 2018.

Ludwig Schulz, Interviews for GMX.net and Abendzeitung (1 and 2) on the parliamentary and presidential elections 2018, 25 June 2018.

Ludwig Schulz, Interviews for GMX.net and Abendzeitung (1 and 2) on the parliamentary and presidential elections 2018, 25 June 2018.

Ludwig Schulz, Interview about President Erdoğans visit to Brussels after the referendum, for web portal GMX, 25 May 2017.

Ludwig Schulz, "Erdoğan cannot be kept", interview for the Bavarian State Gazette, April 2017.

Ludwig Schulz, "Revising 2016 in Turkey", radio discussion by Deutschlandradio Kultur, December 2016.

Ludwig Schulz, "Military coup attempt in Turkey," Interviews for ZDF (Heute Journal),  ARD Alpha/ Bayern2, SWR Info und SWR2, HR2 (Der Tag) Deutschlandfunk, NTV, SWR 1, Radio 21, web.de, gmx.net, finanzen.net, t-online.de and others, July-August 2016.

Ludwig Schulz, "On IS terrorist attacks on Istanbul Atatürk Airport", Deutschlandfunk, June 2016.

Ludwig Schulz, "Vote on lifting immunity of 138 Turkish MP's," interviews for Tagesschau24, RTL Nachtjournal and VOX News, May 2016.

Ludwig Schulz, "On Turkey-EU refugee summit", Interview for German news channel NTV and for the RTL Nachtjournal, March 2016.

Ludwig Schulz, "Political ans social polarization in Turkey", Interview for the Journal Weltspiegel of Tagesschau24, February 2016.

Ludwig Schulz, "After the Ankara bombings", Interview for German news channel NTV and for the RTL Nachtjournal, February 2016.

Ludwig Schulz, "Turkey strikes PKK camps while going into war against IS after Suruc attacks," interview for Bavarian Broadcasting Radio Station Bayern 2's morning program RadioWelt, July 2015.

Ludwig Schulz, "Clashes between Kurds and Salafists in Germany," interview for Radio21, Oct. 2014.

Ludwig Schulz, "Corruption allegations against JDP government ahead of the 2014 elections," Live TV interview, tagesschau24.de, Jan. 2014

Ludwig Schulz, "The Gezi Protests," Live TV interview, ARD-Mittagsmagazin, Jun. 2013

Ludwig Schulz, "The Gezi Protests," radio interview, Bayern2-Kulturwelt, Jun. 2013


Ludwig Schulz, "Frm. accession candidate? Turkey and the EU integration", Lecture at the Academy for Civic Education and Research in Tutzing, Germany, 23. Mar. 2017

Ludwig Schulz, "Die Türkei im Ausnahmezustand", Lecture and panel discussion at the Academy for Civic Education Tutzing, 10 Nov. 2016.

Ludwig Schulz, "Die Türkei im Ausnahmezustand", Lecture for Karl Arnold Foundation, Königswinter, 8 Nov. 2016.

Ludwig Schulz, "Turkey at the vortex of conflicts: Coup attempt, state of emergency, democracy - where will Turkey head to under Erdogan?", panel discussion organized by German-Turkish Association, Southeast Europe Association and German Council of Foreign Relations, Bonn, 12 September 2016.

Ludwig Schulz, "Türkey-EU relations since the start of the EU accession negotiations" and "Turkey's role in the refugee crisis", seminary on "Turkey - A partner for Europe?", Hanns-Seidel-Foundation, Kloster Banz, 9-10 June 2016.

Ludwig Schulz, "Syria and the refugee challenge of Germany, Turkey and the EU", panel discussion at the joint conference of the Turkish German University (TAU) and the Universität zu Köln (UoC), Istanbul, 5-6 May 2016.

Ludwig Schulz, "Turkey after the November parliamentary elections," Berlin, German Orient Institute, November 2015.

Christine Straßmaier and Ludwig Schulz, "Turkey after the parliamentary elections and implications of the refugee crisis on Turkey-EU relations", Munich, Center for Applied Policy Research, November 2015.

Ludwig Schulz, "Freedom and security beyond the state? - The case of Turkey", Lecture and discussion on the panel "Freedom and security beyond the state?", organised at Munich University in the framework of the "Tunisia in Transition" Project, Munich, October 2015.

Ludwig Schulz, "Geopolitics, Energy and the role of Turkey", Lecture and discussion on the panel "Gas transit through Turkey - a good idea? Energy in the geopolitical focus" of the students' initiative "Energy and Geopolitics at the Technical University Munich" and the scetion "Energy and Geopolitics" of the Munich School of Engeneering of TUM, Munich, July 2015.

Ludwig Schulz, "Turkey as EU accession candidate: Blockades and loopholes from a German perspective," Evangelische Akademie, Tutzing, May 2015.

Ludwig Schulz, "More than just external actors: Turks and Kurds in the Syrian conflict," Academy for Civic Education, Tutzing, Nov. 2014

Ludwig Schulz, "Current developments in Turkish domestic and foreign policy," German Armed Forces Association, Kochel am See, Germany, Sep. 2014

Ludwig Schulz, "Turkey and the Kurdish question" at a conference on "Separatism of regions. Europe's problem with independent movements," Academy for Civic Education, Tutzing, June 2014

Ludwig Schulz, "Assessing success and failure of the AKP Foreign Policy," at the experts' workshop "The Changing Parameters of Partnership: The US - Turkey – Germany“, organized by Middle East Technical University Ankara und American Institute for Contemporary German Studies Washington, Ankara, Nov. 2013

Ludwig Schulz, "Der Einfluss der Innen- auf die Außenpolitik der Türkei," and Christine Strassmaier, "Turkey and the Middle East," workshops at the seminar "Quo vadis Turey? Turkey's foreign policy at crossroads", Academy for Civic Education, Tutzing, Aug. 2013