Publications by Sebastian Schäffer et al.
Sebastian Schäffer (ed.): Ukraine in Central and Eastern Europe Kyiv’s Foreign Affairs and the
International Relations of the Post-Communist Region. ibidem, Stuttgart
Ulrich Schneckener and Sebastian Schäffer: „The Day
After. Towards a Greater European Council?“ IDM Policy Paper Series 2/2022
Opinion: Burning Bridges. 14.06.2022, GLOBSEC
Nadija Afanasieva and Sebastian Schäffer: „A European (Regional) Future for Ukraine“IDM-PPS-1/2022, IDM Policy Paper Series 1/2022
What Is Vladimir Putin’s Endgame? There are five different scenarios about how the situation in Ukraine could develop. 30.03.2022, Fair Observer
Ein offener Brief der Osteuropa-ExpertInnen an die Bundesregierung, 18.03. 2022, Der Tagesspiegel
„It is time to officially recognize Ukraine as a candidate state to the European
Union“, Open Letter, Le Monde, 24.02.2022 (paywall, more information in German
Jack Gill and Sebastian Schäffer: „In Ukraine, More Than European Peace Is at Stake“, Fair Observer, 28.01. 2022
Open Letter to the German Government, Die Zeit, 14.01. 2022
Sebastian Schäffer and Jack Gill: „Rethinking the Eastern Partnership and EU-Russia relation„, IDM Policy Paper Series 3/2021
Interviews and media appearances:
Schengen, Romania and the development of the relationship after the Austrian veto, for TVR, 11.12.2022
Austria is a bridge builder in Southeastern Europe: an interview for Cross-border talks,
The ongoing war in Ukraine and the implications for the Black Sea, and the challenges for the Western Balkans for TVRInfo, 5.11.2022
Brandherd Kosovo für PULS24, 5.08.2022
Transnistrien: Putins nächstes Ziel?, mit Kommentaren von Sebastian Schäffer für Der
Sebastian Schäffer über die Situation in Transnistrien für PULS24, 28.04.2022
Sebastian Schäffer about tensions in Transnistria for Deutsche Welle English, 27.04.2022
Explosionen in Transnistrien – droht Krieg in Moldau?, Sebastian Schäffer für Deutsche Welle, 27.04.2022
Auswirkung des Ukraine Krieges auf CEE, Sebastian Schäffer for ORFIII, 16.03.2022
Ukraine could face Georgia’s Scenario in Donbass, Sebastian Schäffer for Eurasia Diary, 09.03.2022
Westbalkan: Europas Nächster Brandherd?, Sebastian Schäffer for PULS 24, 03.03.2022
Interview mir Erhard Busek, OE24 01.03.2022
„Ukraine die Existenz
abzusprechen ist vollkommen absurd„, Sebastian Schäffer, for PULS24, 24.02.2022
„A full-scale invasion of Russia will lead to a fierce resistance from Ukrainian population“, Sebastian Schäffer for Eurasia Diary English, 24.02.2022
„Putin ist ein sehr eiskalt berechnender Staatschef“, Sebastian Schäffer for PULS24, 22.02.2022
„Only a unified policy would strengthen permanent security in Europe“, Sebastian Schäffer for Eurasia Diary English, 18.02.2022
Ukraine-Russia tensions, Sebastian
Schäffer for Phoenix TV Hong Kong, 17.02.2022
„Russia and West cannot reach a long term solution, but they can keep only the status quo“, Sebastian Schäffer for Eurasia Diary English, 14.01.2022